

The Severini Estate is located in Calabria, in Mottafollone, a small village in province of Cosenza of about a thousand inhabitants, between the Pollino National Park and the Piana di Sibari, in a district called "Boccafolle"



The town of Mottafollone arose in medieval times, approximately in the 11th century, near a pre-existing Basilian convent. The certain existence is documented in the year 1324. Initially, it was owned by a Norman family of the same name: the Motta Falone or Folone.


Agricultural activity was born

Don Mario Severini owner of vast tracts of land, Medicine enthusiast and writer of poetry, he was also a lover of nature and agriculture. The company was thriving and offered work to country people. In addition to the production of extra virgin olive oil, they picked cherries and raised silkworms and flocks of sheep.


The company is transformed by getting bigger

Elodia and Guglielmo expand the production of olives and oil, transforming 12 hectares of the Severini estate into a thriving olive plantation, with about 4800 plants of different cultivated varieties.


The mechanization

The mechanized harvesting begins which allows for the collection of large quantities of olives to be pressed within a few hours, avoiding the triggering of fermentation processes in the fruits.


New energies are coming

Her daughter Valeria D'Auria continues with dedication and enthusiasm the work started by Elodia, transferring the skills to her children Marianna and Guglielmo who represent the company's future and who, with their innovative ideas, are contributing to a new company orientation, aimed towards environmental, social and governance sustainability.